NAR Featured In Northeast Corridor Commission Report

Statement from North Atlantic Rail Alliance President Robert D. Yaro

"The North Atlantic Rail Alliance congratulates and thanks the Northeast Corridor Commission for its CONNECT NEC 2035 report, which highlights many critically necessary projects to ensure the existing Northeast Corridor route is brought into a state of good repair, with some reductions in trip times and increased capacity for Amtrak and local passenger service. 

At the same time, it is important to acknowledge: CONNECT NEC 2035 does nothing to advance the kind of true high-speed rail service that New England and New York need and that our states are asking for to remain globally competitive in the 21st Century and to achieve our 2050 net-zero emissions goals.

North Atlantic Rail, backed by the U.S. House of Representatives, is the only plan on the table today to advance 200 mph/100-minute service between New York and Boston via Long Island, New Haven, Hartford, and Providence, the high-speed spine of a North Atlantic Rail Network reaching and connecting to smaller cities throughout all seven states. 

CONNECT NEC 2035 identifies worthy and much-needed measures to return rail travel times on the New England sections of the Northeast Corridor to what the New Haven Railroad offered back in the 1950s. North Atlantic Rail is the vision for a transformational, passenger-rail-based economic growth strategy for New England and downstate New York, grounded in the pursuit of environmental justice and sustainability, that connects New York City, Boston, and all the mid-sized cities of New England in one integrated market for ideas, capital, and talent."


- Robert D. Yaro, President, North Atlantic Rail Alliance


New Haven Line In Northeast At Crossroads
